I cant believe that it is august already. July started with a weekend in New England. For the first year in 10, i skipped the New Bedford Summerfest. I could have gone to see Red Molly and Lucy Kaplansky but when Richard Shindell cancelled due to chopping off part of his finger, I decided to spend the day with my parents. I could have stayed for Sunday but I would have missed another Gene and Isabel House Concert. I missed two and was determined not to miss the 3rd. I am so gald that I saw Anthony and Abbie at Gene and Isabel's house.
I was able to see a free screening of Dark Knight and also went down to Camden NJ to see Dar at the XPNonenial festival. I saw chuck prophet, Alejandro escovedo and Beth orton too. Dar played a new new song and i boogied back to Brooklyn.
Saturday, I went to the Brooklyn Cyclones for Billy Joel night and saw then lose. The Cyclones are great fun.