While i am training, my dreams are scattered, more vivid and can relate to training material.
I wake every few hours while i am training, and winding down is a chore. You get pumped up and trying to come down is hard. I try to walk for a while and relax doing chores. This training, I am trying to sort receipts to get ready to get my taxes down. Any redundant action will relax me....
After the long weekend and back to work, this was the dream...
There was a Kristin Johnson looking character who had to take the stage. Bettye Levette was in the dream and she was back stage. There was lots of talk about Bettye Levette. the Kristin Johnson character was going to sing a song called "blue lips"
Last night, I dreamed about Empathy and in the dream there were other activities in the section on empathy. Some included putting things in a box and burying them. Barbara J was in the dream ( barb is my training coach and mentor). I thought about how i dont know this section and how i was going to approach it. I was thinking of just doing the pieces i knew or were comfortable with. I knew i had to review the curriculum and see how it was to be delivered. In the meantime, i was cleaning things and came across a mess that i could clean and resolve.