Monday, June 27, 2005

vicky doesnt have enough credits

i dreamed that my ex friend Vicky did not have enough credit to get her undergraduate degree in social work. ( in reality she has a masters degree in sw) I spent time in the dream trying to figure out how she could take ONE more course at Stonybrook ( the SUNY school with a social work program- state funded school) and complete her degree. She could do it long distance . i didnt see her in dream, her voice was there and she reported that she tried everything to get them to award her the credit so she could get her degree

i was outside in the dream . .like at a festival, thinking of resources for her

in the dream, i thought of old roles and falling into old roles with her and really wasnt getting too involved, though i offered to call the school for her to try to finagle something on her behalf


i guess pride made me think of her yesterday... Pride makes me think of her and my friend Deborah