Friday I went to Lincoln Center to see the third of the fall offerings. Cymbeline, the Shakespeare play, a bit of comedy (very little), a bit of tragedy, a bit of a bore. It was a long play and i was pretty annoyed that i wasnt more passionate or interested. Seeing it was a long week and I had to teach on Saturday at 9am, I left at intermission. That got me home at 1030 and in bed by midnight. Maybe if i had eaten dinner...Maybe if i had eaten dinner I would have fell asleep. If i stayed it would have been midnight before i got home if i was lucky and a 130 am bedtime. I had to choose for the former and i am not sorry that I missed act 2. I will be able to stay til the end when i teach next semester at 11am or when will i learn not to go out on Friday nights.
While at Lincoln Center, I saw Marion Seldes in the Lobby - who looks better than this picture. And i think Chris Noth and his pregnant girl friend were seated after the lights went down.

Cymbeline will open in a few weeks and I will see what the reviews say. Maybe I missed a gem. Martha Plimpton was scrumptous and Felicia Rashad puts on this fake accident when she does live theater. It was supposed to sound more Shakespeare but it sounded fake. She was straining to speak. The plot was precious and the actor who wanted to win the bet couldnt decide who to flirt with Martha Plimpton or her husband.. I was working too heard to hear the players and it wasnt interesting enough to keep me there...Sorry Cymbeline, i should have passed.