Monday, December 25, 2006

i received a call from santa this week advising me that I was required
to hold class yesterday, even after i explained that the finals were
graded and grades were in and i terminated with the students of SWK
780 Advanced Practice with the Individual. (they were pretty sick of
me and i think that i was tired of Saturdays at 9am in the classroom),
but I called one more class and decided there was only way to hold
class on the saturday before Xmas. Bring Candy, Cookies and Candy
Canes... so i came armed with enough for 25 students and 6 showed
up... so i had all these left over Canes....

As i left class, i walked up Broadway from Soho and started handing
out the canes to the guys who clean the streets, to two firemen in
their truck outside of Dean and Deluca, to a German Tourist looking
for the Statue of Liberty, two Flemmish tourists who wanted to find
Urban Outfitters, the clerks at Duane Reade and coffee drinkers at
Starbucks. The only ones to refuse my candy canes were 4 reindeer
draped women heading for Armani. I saw about 9 Santas and eached
promised me an Nintendo Wii. They got no candy canes... No Wii, no

I made the rest of my deliveries and headed home....after a trip to
the Green Market and
with a ticket to Dreamgirls in my mitts...