1 Check Thyself Before Thou Wreckest Thyself
A fabulous woman is self-aware, and knows that her personality and behavior have an effect on those around her.
2Thou Shalt Goeth, Girl
A fabulous woman is a confident and powerful woman.
3Thou Shalt Show Some Class
A fabulous woman knows the rules of etiquette and social interaction.
4 Thou Shalt Work What Thou Art Working With
A fabulous woman always looks her best.
5 Thou Shalt Spit Mad Game With Style
A fabulous woman knows how to communicate effectively.
6 Thou Shalt Mind Thy Money
A fabulous woman knows how to make, and keep her own money.
7 Thou Shalt Payeth It Back
A fabulous woman gives back to the community.
8 Thou Shalt Represent
A fabulous woman is media savvy.
9 Unless Thou Can Play, Thou Wilt Be Played
A fabulous woman knows how to play the relationship game.
10 Thou Shalt Be Fully Fabulous