This is my new friend Brian. I met him on line waiting for Natalie Merchant. Brian and I talked the line away. He became my friend when in the bitter cold. He offered me his hat. We chatted the time away and he was joined by a friend. We continued to talk and we both realized we had tickets for Wednesday. During the show, we stood near but separated from each other and at the end of the show. We looked at each other and knew.. wednesday, whoever got there first. Would save space for each other.
Wednesday came and I was there first. We spent the waiting time together and then the show. At the end of the show, i told Brian I made a new friend.
Brian had many natalie stories to tell. He travelled to a number of shows during the Tigerlily tour and became friends with a NM bandmember so spent many nights back stage. He joined NM a few times on stage to sing. He told me a story of buying chocolates on Valentines day for his friend Jennifer and NM and here is the result..
Brian is a school teacher of 5th grade boys in a private school on the upper east and tutors. He is looking to relocate to Baltimore to be with his partner, Justin who is in medical school. They are the proud parents of two french bulldogs...
Heres Brian with more hair than he has now... he has a great new haircut....