Joan Osborne will sing her hits "What if God Was One of Us" and "St. Teresa" when she plays Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall, West 57th Street and Seventh Avenue in NYC, at 8:30 tonight. Tickets are $38-$44 at www.carnegiehall.org.
Joan Sang much more than St Teresa and IF god were one of us. With a quartet she hit the stage at Zankel. She sang
04. Baby is a Butterfly
05. Breakfast in Bed
08. Heart of Stone
16. What Becomes of the Broken Heart
BrokeDown Palace
man in the long black coat
cathedral by Jump little children
Two more new songs with NYC themes
St teresa
God is one of us
I remembered how much i really liked Joan Osbourne. She has husky voice that fits americana and 70s r&b.....