Capricorn Horoscope for week of December 15, 2005
Verticle Oracle card Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
The British edition of Cosmopolitan still provides women with practical, no-nonsense advice like "How to love yourself after a pig-out" and "8 sizzling sex lessons your man needs to learn," but it has also added a spirituality column. "I've come to the painful realization that men and shoes are not enough to make me happy," wrote Hannah Borno, introducing the new section. "The key to true contentment lies elsewhere." Cosmo readers now get helpful tips on consulting their guardian angels, tapping into the wisdom of dreams, and trying out various meditation techniques. If this renowned hotbed of the sensual approach to life has finally acknowledged the subtler dimensions, maybe you Capricorns, traditionally the hard-core materialists of the zodiac, might also be inspired to expand your spiritual perspective. I hope so. It's a perfect moment for you to get delightfully zapped with a sacred epiphany.