this weekend, I went back to the Cyclones for the second ticket that i bought. It rained all morning and i thought maybe given the forecast, i would have gotten rained out.
This weekend was Bank Of America free museum weekend so i went to the Aquarium for a few hours before the Game. I saw the Sea Lion show and walked around and then walked down the boardwalk. It was Ladies night and the Cyclones were giving away pink teeshirts.
Today, I used my Bank of America card again and went to the Metropolitan Museum. I started on the roof at the Koons and then went through the Turner. I wandered through the impressionists and American contemporary art. I saw Manet, Monet, Picasso, Degas, Rodin, Rothko, Calder, Warhol, Pollack, Pizarro, Van Gogh. I walked whereever my legs took me, I had no plan, I skated through the Asian, African art and went to places in the museum that i had never been.... Greek and Roman and the Roof. The view of Manhattan is picture perfect and there is a bar up there for lunch. I wandered in to the costume area and saw original movie superhero outfits and designer interreptation of the costume. Batman, Spiderman, Wonderwoman, Catwoman
the day lent itself for a rooftop visit to the Met.....
Thank you Bank America for the free visit..
the weather was like an indian summer september day and I then went across the park at 72nd to the west side. Laughed at the Tourist bus all taking pix of the Dakota on Cue. I spoke to a little girl in a stroller. like a CP stroller and her pink sunglasses that made her look like a rock star. I then we through a street fair on Colunbus and then back to 78th street from 68th to Fairway and home. Only to do more wash
School is out for 3 weeks so i am now free on Wednesday nights til August 27th. School then breaks for Labor day and then i start saturdays again...