i dreamed that i received a parking ticket. I then looked at all the cars on the same block and then they had tickets too for expired parking meters. I came back to my car after being away and i saw a slip of paper. I thought NO i cant get another ticket. it wasnt a ticket it was a note that someone put the fare in the meter and saved me from getting a ticket. it was Donna, the woman who cuts my hair. I went into the shop and i thanked her. I raised the issue of getting the ticket and her paying my meter fare. I wanted to thank her. I turned the leave and then reached in my pocket and handed her a dollar
I dreamed that i was at brownstone, like the ones in park slope and in the basement or lower apartment was the Mcgarrigle sister, I saw the family clan. Rufus Wainwright and Martha heading into the apartment. The feeling of the dream was i was watching it more than i was in it