Queens Theater on the grounds of World Fair Grounds in Queens. I headed out there to see Betty Buckley in this 500 seat theater. Never having seen BB before, i really didnt know what to expect. In the parking lot, i saw lots of Queens Blue hairs who were out for a sunday afternoon. No one under 80 and then i spotted Karen from Newport. I hung out with her, found out that we had even more in common than folk music and we entered the theater.
Betty Buckley, movie, TV, broadway star styles songs from the great american songbook , theater and her favorite singer songwriters including Mary Chapin Carpenter and Susan Werner. she performs with a piano player, bassist, drummer and man who plays horns. when they are playing and Betty is not singing, she sits with eyes closed absorbing the music or moves to the beat. She seems to enjoy the music as much as the audience enjoys her. She has great stage presence and stories and is totally engaging. Her voice is thinner than i expected and ofcourse the has that broadway range.... Memories her signature song was her final encore. It was a pleasure to hear that she still learns from that song. she thanked all of the handlers, theater people and her staff. What a gracious and humble performer and woman.