Andrew C. Revkin
Environment Reporter, The New York Times
A prize-winning journalist and author, Andrew Revkin has spent 20 years covering subjects ranging from murder in the Amazon to the anthrax attacks, from the plight of the working poor to the political clash over global warming.
Since 1995, he has been a reporter for The New York Times, mainly covering environmental issues in their social and political context. He was also part of the Times' Pulitzer-winning "Nation Challenged" team and a contributor to the best-selling book drawn from that coverage.
Before joining the paper, Mr. Revkin spent 5 years writing books. His first, "The Burning Season" (Houghton Mifflin, 1990), chronicles the life of Chico Mendes, the slain Amazon rain forest activist. "The Burning Season" won the Sidney Hillman Foundation Book Prize and a Robert F. Kennedy Book Award, was published in nine languages, and was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. The book was the basis for the HBO film of the same name, starring Raul Julia and directed by John Frankenheimer ("Manchurian Candidate," "Seven Days in May"). The film won two Golden Globes and two Emmys.
Mr. Revkin also wrote "Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast" (Abbeville, 1992). The book was the companion volume to the first museum exhibition on climate change, created by the American Museum of Natural History.
He was a senior editor of Discover, a staff writer at the Los Angeles Times, and a senior writer at Science Digest. He has written for The New Yorker, Conde Nast Traveler, and other magazines. Opinion pieces have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Christian Science Monitor, Newsday, and the Brazilian paper O Globo.
His articles have won many journalism awards, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science Journalism Award and an Investigative Reporters & Editors Award. He has lectured frequently on writing and the environment at colleges across the country, from the University of Utah to Yale, and has appeared on the "Today Show," "Good Morning America," "Charlie Rose," and CNN.
Mr. Revkin occasionally writes about pop music, and a 1997 Times profile of a heavy-metal singer was the basis for "Rock Star," a September 2001 release starring Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston.
He has a biology degree from Brown University and a masters in journalism from Columbia. He lives in the Hudson River Valley with his wife and two sons. Mr. Revkin is also a songwriter and guitarist, occasionally accompanying Pete Seeger at regional festivals.