i had an appointment at unemployment yesterday to attend orientation. I found the place fine and went in about 15 minutes earlier to see a desk with an orthodox jewish guy who was talking loud on the phone to a client. He was raising his voice about this person's resume and designing the resume the way he wanted. He yelled at the people attending the orientation to stand behind the rope. It was impersonal and demeaning. collecting the forms and giving out slips with SS# and Name. Sit and wait, sit and wait, sit and wait... names called into ROOM 2- a lady came out and they yelled at her to go back to room 2. WOrkers all look over 50 degrees with comb overs and polyester pants. A woman at teh VETS only counter, doing puzzles from under her manilla folder. NOt to be seen, looking over 60... the air was ready for retirement, people viewing clients like numbers and cattle. I sat and waited finally called to room 1 by a man in red white and blue polyester pants... like you would buy in trash and vaudville BUT With a gold button shirt. WHO DRESSED THIS GUY i think. all the men, old and fat and dressed like a thrift shop. no one talked or even looked at each other.
i sat in the room and viewed the tape and filled out the forms and sat again. My name was called.. I sat next to an asian guy who introduced himself as he put his name on the blue card that you send back when you get a job. Edward never spoke except to show me that he put my information into a data base and pulled out ONE JOB that I must apply for... its with volunteersforamerica. NOthing that i want to do but i will apply by EMAIL. I tried to tell him about my pending interviews or ask how many people on his caseload... 100 a day or so...
i asked him to make copies of my presentation that i didnt copy at adelphi. i didnt know i needed that handout so i asked him for 6 copies... he made them
i was happy to leave that place
i went over to target and got my mom a mothers day present and my neices a birthday gift card and i tried not to buy stuff i dont need.
i walked all the way down flatbush and PPSW to 15th street and i found some social work books being discarded. Policy books, casework books and took em home
i came home and baked a WW recipe that involved ricotta cheese and sour cream cups and then i cleaned the bathtub and vacummed and dressed to attend my 530 interview
i went to ACS, stopped at the strand first and went upstairs to find NO ONE to greet me so i went to look for the Chief of Quality Assurance, Amy Baker. She explained the position and clearly i can do it. Its a high profile Directorship overseeing the office of Ombudsman of ACS that was created after Nixmary Brown's death. I dont think its the best job for me now. i have the skills and ability but not the desire to work the late hours and build the program. I spoke to ms baker about the other interviews and that i believe there is a place for me at ACS, i wasnt sure where. She said she would send an email to the training division director on my behalf. she said that may be the best place for me now. It more what i want to do.
as we were leaving, i was talking to her and saw her next door office mate of a woman i know from PINS world. I got anxious and was nervous and maybe i was just relieved of the anxiety of a job interview..
i walked uptown talking to my mom and met up wtih the some tourists who needed directions. I walked them to 14th street and then headed over to the party for TFF.
i was on teh corner when i ran into Ivana, the best house manager. She kissed me and hugged me and i told her about the interview. Its all like a date. the first impression you made... some dates arent right and i was brave for attending.
i saw some volunteers and all the house managers and a Program coordinator who told me I was her favorite. I did a professional and good job as a CORE. i saw the volunteer cooridinator too. VONAGE was sponsoring the party, free bar and chipolte provide some individual pulled pork nachos... ONe nacho per person.at a time
i stayed about 45 mintues and walked to the Q train and come home after 10pm and ate dinner.. broccoli and shrimp with brown rice and i went to bed..
i woke up and have to continue to prepare my presentation. I called ACS about setting up an interview for Cirriculum Developer and i have another interview/presentation for Trainer tomorrow at 1:30pm
it was a long and anxiety provoking day... i am glad it is over