i saw voice of Bam yesterday and thought what a tender and considerate telling of a story that depicted the killing of 30,000- 60,000 people. The earthquake in BAM is the same as the Hurricane in New Orleans to the Irani people. i bet because it occurred in Iran, we didnt get much news of this national disaster. The telling of the story was through the photographs found and the personal stories of parents, children and spouses who survived. Its a highly personal look at this disaster.
The Tribeca Jury agreed and award it a special jury prize of 25,000
i woke up to find that The Audience award winning movie was a moving tale of a homeless 60 year who survived Hiroshima and moved to NY. the NY documentary was the one i saw about the homeless iraqi vet and finally the international Narrative was a spanish film about returning from war.... i decided to stay in bed and skip the the audience award winner and then the NY documentary because it was plain out and out depressing and i saw it last sunday.. if i wanted to see the spanish film it i had a ticket for 4pm
i then remembered that I had read on folktravelers LJ that this is free museum month with Bank of America credit card.. so i walked the Botantical Gardens in Brooklyn .. sat in the Cherry blossom, that were almost none existant, and prepared my presentation for wednesday. i sat in the sun, in the peace and quiet of the gardens and when i was done, took in the Shakespeare garden and the Herb garden and the Japanese garden and HUGE peonies and the Lilacs in bloom... what a way to come down from weeks of movies... much better than another day of being overstimulated by films and images and sound...
i will go back and i will go to the other NYC museums this month... Tuesday is free day at BBG..anyway..
Guggenheim is free
Rubin Museum is free
Jewish Museum is free
museum of the barrio is free
moving image is free
ps 1 is free
childrens museum of manhattan is free
and the NY botantical Gardens