Saturday, May 06, 2006


Friday i went to manhattan and had a rather anxious day. I got a call on thursday about another interview and scheduled it for monday at 530pm for the Director of First Safety. what that is... i dont know
i also left my car open and someone took my coin change holder but nothing else. I wasnt sure i could find my registration so that made me anxious... all and all it was all good.. appointment was made, registration was found adn rainsuit still remains in the trunk..

i went to see a movie called Jesus Camp

In Jesus Camp, Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, directors of the
acclaimed film The Boys of Baraka, introduce us to children who are
growing up as evangelical Christians. Twelve-year-old Levi, who was
"saved" when he was five, is a shy boy except when he is filled with
the Holy Spirit. Nine-year-old Rachael is outspoken in her love for
the Lord. They are home-schooled by their Christian parents and
interact with their peers at church and church events. In the summer
they travel to Becky Fischer's "Kids on Fire" summer camp in Devil's
Lake, North Dakota, to intensify their devotion to the Lord. Fischer
is a children's pastor, who specializes in tapping into the hearts and
minds of kids on their level. She recognizes that this generation
accesses information through video, images, and music. Intercut with
scenes of the kids is the radio commentary of Mike Papantonio, a
Christian who believes that the Evangelical movement has strayed from
the original teachings of love that Jesus died for. He worries that
the movement's position on the environment, creationism, and other
fundamental tenets are short-sighted and will hurt the conservative
movement in the end. And where does the government land in all this?
The Evangelicals apply unceasing pressure to their elected officials,
and have made great strides with Bush as their president. What kind of
force will these kids be in politics and religion when they grow up?
The kids of Jesus Camp are smart, empowered, speak in tongues, and are
determined to change the world.
- Nancy Schafer

the premise for Becky Fischer the preacher is that if the Islamics or Palestinians are training children to bomb, then it is her mission to arm children with Jesus. This is a scary but worthwhile documentary. it is set in missouri and shows the best and worst of the midwest

after the movie, i walked downtown to crosby street where i was attending the Housing Works benefit where the headliner was Patty Griffin.. Patty was in town for Tribeca and scheduled this show... I was on line for over an hour but ended up with a seat and sat with Murph and his wife.

Patty sang lots of new music... Forgiveness, Useless desires, I said to the sky, Stay on the Ride, Trapeze, Burgundy Shoes, Loves throws a Line, Free, No Bad News and Racing in the Streets
of all the songs, i really like Trapeze about an aging woman who is the trapezist in the circus.
Pattys New Music lives up to Patty Griffin. MOre guitar and some blues sounds but classic patty

i then came home