Friday, May 12, 2006

what a day i had yesterday

i woke up way way way too early for my appointment at the Childrens Center for Cirriculum Developer. I started to do errands around the house and got a call from the Liaison at the Training Center who has been scheduling my appointments. She wanted some information from me and i told her that she caught me as i was leaving. I then got a call from the NYTIMES seeing if i got my paper, as i had not gotten one the day before.
I answered the phone and it took a few minutes.

I walked to the train and happened to see a woman on the platform dressed in a black suit and started up a conversation. She has been in advertising and then in training in hospitals and now is a management consultant. she was going into manhattan to meet with two perspective clients. She and i talked about situational leadership, motivational interviewing and my interview as well as my teaching and the organization i worked for.
she gave me her card as we were parting, and we talked about the possibility of my working with her as a consultant. she always needs people to do sessions and trainings.
she would invite me to her next training. i will mail her my resume.

i was thinking about having a student as a reference. I could use one of the two student/employees at CMS but i would have to make contact with them. I was thinking where else could i get a reference to reflect my teaching skills. The MAPP people were a given and no current student until grades are in.

i went to my interview and i think this woman is looking for a professional writer. I am not a writers. during the interview, which she kept short, she wrote down that she thought i was better suited for training. She gave me an exercise to complete to connect safety to educational neglect. it was a little overwhelming to think i had to write cirriculum for her but when i came home from school. I think i got some angle to write about. the interviewer knew Dr. Cohen someone who i have worked with for many year and is currently, a faculty member at Adelphi.

i went to the restroom and started talking to a woman whose mom was coming out of the hospital.. i chatted chatted chatted and as we were talking in the hallway, i ran into an ex student who was now a SupII and was in training. She and i talked alot and i asked her if she would be a reference for me. She said she would. I have been given my reference who can vouche for 3 courses.

i left the childrens center and didnt come right home. I went downtown against my best judgement and then to City Bakery for a pitstop before i started home. I ran into Edith Holzer from Cofcca who asked me if i was still at CMS. I informed her of my situation and she told me that Naomi Lynch, their training liaison was leaving in December and to use Naomi's name in my dealings with ACS.

i went home and got ready for school. I went to get a package that i thought was the rest of the stuff from my office that i am expecting. There was a spot in front of the post office and it happened to be a book of joni mitchell's artwork from my friend scott. I went to school and had to get my ticket for graduation.
they asked if i wanted to order a gown or attend as a spectator. I would not dress in a cap and gown. i wanted to hear Senator Clinton though. I will go there on May 22 at 9am

i went to the computer center to work on my references and sat down at a computer. When i was leaving, a noticed a job posting near computer Number 1. it was for a seasoned child welfare professional for the Institute of child abuse and neglect in fairfax virginia. i took the posting but i swear it was not there when i sat down at the computer center and no one used that computer. Maybe they took it out of the printer and placed it there while i was typing my references.

class went well.