Monday, September 19, 2005

3 dreams or 1 dream

last night, i tried to go to bed when i thought i was tired but i was aware that this was the first day that i had to get up at 6am on purpose. I am used to getting up around 8 and 6am comes early.
i went to sleep before the emmys were over and took two Calm's forte. i feel asleep and woke within 15 minutes and when i finally relaxed enough to sleep... i had three dreams

the first i remember being in a meeting about renovating the 6th floor conference room where i work. There was a discussion of 1 hour.. either the meeting was one hour or something was happening in 1 hour. I offered to show the meeting chair the plans that were laid by the prior committee and why there was a standstill.

the second dream had me sitting on a huge rock near a lake or stream.. I was talking to my new boss stacey and i reached over the from behind the rock, took out the plastic container that contained my salad. the sun was warming in and i wondered if it was warmed enough to eat. I could feel the sun on my skin in the was 78-82 degree sun, like last week.... fall but sunny enough to be warm

the third dream also had an hour in it... the alarm clock woke me from a deep deep sleep and i was not happy about the alarm