Sunday, September 18, 2005

3 weeks at home an overview

prior to my surgery, i did alot of the things that i expected that i couldnt do with my arm in a sling. I did the wash, bathroom, shopped and cooked. I took of my jewerly and toenail polish. it was very very hot so i went to the movies and i blended work with play. I did some last minute work email and caught up with my friend DAve and gave him my car on monday. I went to the post office and walked myself to the hospital.
Dave picked me up and monday night i went to sleep. Even though i didnt sleep long on tuesday, i took it easy and walked. I was sore. and tuesday night, i wanted painkillers. I must have gone out on tuesday but dont remember much.. I dont remember the LEVEE breaking but it did after Katrina and i was mostly out of it. wednesday, i got my prescription filled and went into manhattan, went to the green market and went to school. Thursday was a later walk to Park slope after i went to the Doctor and had the bandages removed.

Labor weekend, i stayed close because i was just plain tired.
the three weeks home, can be catagorized as just plain tired. I could not walk my standard 5 miles but more like 3. I went to Target one day during labor day weekend and had to go back to return something i bought TOO BIG..

i went to macys and shopped for tax free week and tired to shop for shoes on broadway. I just got tired. I bought three pair of pants at the Gap on sale.

I went to weight watchers each week and saturday of laborday, i went to the Kohls sale that was tax free. i bought sneakers and went to see the 40 Year Old Virgin.

the first week after the surgery, i was getting up at 730 and that became 830 for the second week.

I had set plans for cleaning closets. and the kitchen which i did both. I cleaned the refrigerator one morning and cleaned out some stuff from my linen closet. I packed two boxes for hurricane survivors and sent them to texas. I packed up lots of clothes and brought them to the Goodwill store. I cleaned out newspapers that i hadnt read and still have to tackle the magazines.

teh second week i was home, the weather was magnificent so i tried to balance my time cleaning around and my time out in the sunshine. I was basically back home around and did more around. I got tired and went to bed around 10 the first week and the second week, more like 11- or 12 am.. got to bed later, wake up later.

i was getting up in the middle of night and watched alot of late night TV. i know what is on headline news all night. I was getting up at night and not resting well.

sometimes my stomach was on the fritz. the anestesia wearing off hit me around labor day weekend and i couldnt manage going far or too long. i stayed close to home and tried to rest more

each wednesday was a school night so i had to got to manhattan to school. on other days, i walked to park slope and walked and walked to the park. thursday, i went to weight watchers and i went this thursday too.

the days past so quickly. Last friday, i contacted work about NOT going to work last week, i then went to the upper west side to shop. I planned to go to MOMA for free night and Just got tired and went home to walk.

saturday, i went to the green market at union square and i went to see a movie called MUSIC FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

sunday, 9-11, i got up early and went to Queens to get a haircut and color. when i came home, i walked to the park and then to park slope to get a pedicure. It took me til 7pm and i went home to go get grapes that were on sale.

though i agreed to go to Queens to a meeting on tuesday. Monday was an easy day and tuesday, i got up at 6am and went to Queens, then i went to the TOwer records instore that Dar had and then to light in the Piazza at lincoln center. I got home after midnight and wednesday was a school night.

I waited for my friend dave on wednesday. I wanted to get out and go and he came late so i stayed home til i had to leave and went to chinatown and went to school.

thursday. i got up at 7 to meet my attorney who was coming in from Philly and we went to my doctor's appointment. After the appointment, i went to get some food and then drove to Queens to go to weight watchers.

friday, i went to the goodwill with another bag of clothes and FOUND a 7-11 that had diet pepsi slurpee. i then had tickets for housing works to see the WALKING benefit. 12 artists ranging from Lene Lovich to bright eyes to Jesse malin to Richard Julian all singing songs with a walking theme.

saturday, i went to the green market at union square and came home to watch the Hurricane RElief benefit from Lincoln Center.

While i was home, I shopped too much.... i didnt get to enough movies.
i cleaned all closets but 1 and need to attack my old magazines
i downloaded my cds
i never burned cds for my friend scott
i organized a hurricane relief project for the chapin list
and watched way way way too much CNN on the hurricane
i read all three papers every day
i tried to walk 5 miles and made it to 3
i cleaned out the dishes and threw away alot of stuff i didnt need
i havent hung the pictures that i wanted to yet
i made chili
i baked tofu each week
kept myself in steamed veggies from the farmer's market
i did at least one thing in my house each day (but not enough)
I saw two movies
i saw one live music show
i saw i play
i saw dar's instore
i spent too much time on line
i sold 250 dollars of stuff on
i sent out three MBS cds
i ordered too much stuff on line
i planned two trips, one to boston and one for 4 dar shows in october
i went to the doctor twice
i went to WW three times
i gained two pounds
i lost my plate in my arm
i walked to park slope about 6 times
i only went to target 2x
i went to the post office 5 times
i sent out two copies of Creative home magazine to chapinlist members who needed it
i got my neices computer returned to me
i taught three classes
i planned 5 classes
i prepared my midterm for this class
i ordered a ticket for wendy wasserstein' s play
i missed a free show at lincoln center with suzy boggus and ricky skaggs ( i didnt want to get home after midnight) laborday weekend
i got my cable bill reduced by 30 dollars
i applied for 4 jobs
i went to the bank with my rolled coins and bought savings bonds
i played more with my cat
watched alot of news TV
i didnt read the books i planned to read...
i couldnt focus enough

i am not ready to go back to work or to my hectic routine. I hadnt had a break from work where i did nothing since i started there 5 years ago.. my breaks had been for dar weekends or my week in oregon last year. I took trips to massachusetts but school and work had me using vacation days for long weekends. having a chunk of time off has been great. I havent accomplished as much as i thought but i have accomplished more than i thought i would. i did more than i thought and i have more to do...

i did what i could and could have done more.... i played and worked and worked and played

i dont want to go back to work... i dont want to keep doing something that is that stressful.

tomorrow i have to go back to work for three days

i have to pack for me and my cat for a weekend in massachusetts... i have to get my car inspected on thursday...

there always seems like there is more to do....