Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Capricorn Horoscope for week of July 20, 2006

Capricorn Horoscope for week of July 20, 2006

Verticle Oracle card Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
I recently found out there's a famous guy out there with a name similar to mine. Rob Brzezinski is an administrator for pro football's Minnesota Vikings. He's regarded as a "cap guru," meaning he's highly skilled at manipulating the National Football League's Byzantine "cap" system of rules about how much money a team can spend on its players. That's pretty funny given the fact that I've been working really hard in the last few months to become a "Cappy guru," by which I mean someone who understands Capricorns really well. I mention this because it's prime time for you to seek out and learn from people who are to you what Rob Brzezinski is to me: your counterpart, soul twin, shadow, doppelganger, or other half.