Tuesday, April 19, 2005

another sick day, another event

i have had a case of the flu, a fever and since sunday, i have been ill. i stayed home yesterday and last night, i napped on the couch and went to sleep at 9pm... i could not get up this morning and didnt...

though i am feeling better and have to run an errand... i got caught up in the Naming of a new pope... Somehow, i had CNN on and by chance.. not by design.. i looked up and there was a drift of white smoke.. earlier this week, i condemned CNN for showing a cut away of smoke stacks of black.. i knew i needed to watch the naming of a new pope.. NOT because i am catholic or care but it seems that there are major world events that occur while i am home sick.. the last major one.. was 9-11

i have memories of events i now cannot recall while being home from my job at St josephs.. a sick day was a rare event for me then.. and i remember watching tv ... i would get bronchitis and be homebound..

i am more liberal with my sickdays at CMS and even more so with EBV...
i am fluish this time.. with fever or hot flushes (who cant tell the difference)

i marked my pagentry of wellness with washing the sick sheets, the sweat laden sheets from when a fever breaks..

the rest of the world marks the pagentry of a new pope...