my friend Amy asked me "how is your epstein barr" so how do i answer
"fine" "in remission" "it cant be tamed" "its okay, its always there" "fine thanks, how's yours" "its okay" "i have to feed it and water it everyday" "its driving me nuts"
or "boy am i tired"
well since my last EBV blog... at alot has happened.. I jumped in and started Magnisium and calcium and Zinc... that cocktail ( okay its one pill) along with more rest seemed to make feel almost like myself... so i am on acidophilis, probiotics, Soy isoflavs, black cohost, flax seed oil tabs, a multivitamin, calicum with K&D and vitamin C...
i need to consolidate these damn pills.. and ofcourse.. My claritan...
the Zinc and magnisium made me feel better til this weekend... i knew i had to be careful working the susan werner show on saturday and coming in after midnight. I then had to get up and out early to volunteer at ringwood for the mark erelli/lori mckenna show and i got home at 730.... both of those may be stressful and tiring but the worst factor has been the loss of an hour sleep...
the clock change just whacked me out..
i feel the now familiar strain and pain behind my eyes. I try to doze off at red lights, I am Shot to shit....Monday was the worst... I kept falling asleep on my way to work and then at work... so i chilled out and walked monday night. Tuesday night, my friend and computer geek dave came over to set up my server.. (dont ask, its another blog entry) and dave left after 1030 and i hadnt eaten...
getting up is the hardest.. its dark and i have not gotten enough sleep.. I want to saty in bed.. I am tired and hte coffee doesnt kick in..
tomorrow, i will sleep a little later and go to my meeting in Manhattan, skipping the morning in queens and work from home... i need to sleep in and tomorrow is the day that will get me to saturday.. last week when i tried this, i got up at 730am
i have no walls til about 1100 so i can sleep til 9 if i need to...
it will feel good..taking care of me is the key to the EBV....
maybe it should be a bumber sticker...