Tuesday, May 17, 2005


let me preface this dream with the fact that i dont sleep through the night. I have been infected by hot flashes that get me up ... they wake me from a sound sleep and i have to get cooler.. I throw off the covers, drink 1/2 a can of cold soda and try to fall asleep..
this has been going on for about 2 weeks and it has taken its toll on my Chronic Fatigue.. because I am now sleep deprived and more fatigued than my ususal chronic fatigue state and i have 10 years of this to look forward to..

so i fell asleep with the food channel on and i dreamed that some cook was assembling food.. they were rolling something like making appetizers.. my friend fay was in the dream..
the cook was wrapping this thing in SEAL...sometimes in CAT..
the seals were going to be cooked in the microwave after being put in tupperware containers, like the ones the cool whip come in
my friend fay was offended that seals would be cooked and used that way ...
(possibly they were cooked live)
i was not upset and really was more ambivalent..

i kept waking up and going back into a different version of the same dream

the cooked seals...