Thursday, May 26, 2005


i actually think this was two dreams. Sleeping through the night is a challenge with a kitty who has learned HOW to wake me up for attention. She is a smart kitty who learned how to butt my nose and walk on my body and nudge me to give her attention.. So was it the kitty of love and night waking or hot flashes...both

the first dream involved my car. My old dead executive director Cecilia was driving my car and it was left parked in a lot space unlocked and i could see my knapsack in the front seat with the pockets open. It was grey and bumpy like something i owed, leather not my black northface cloth was bag from the past. I was not in the car but knew my car was left open. I was furious in the dream and was told that the social worker in the Homeless Prevention Program (where i work now) instructed and was responsible for the instructions to keep my car unlocked.

I approached him in the dream and cornered him and in a direct way, laid him out to the impact of his instructions on the perceived safety of the my car and belongings.

The next scene or dream involved Sr Teresa like character. She was a nun who i worked along side with at St Josephs. She used the agency to get licensed her convent for kids of Bedford Hills (women's prison) inmates. She was unorthodox, dishonest, the agency message was to handle her with kit gloves and she was not confronted on her one sided relationship. She wanted everything and gave good care but participate or contributed nothing to the agency. its was between she and the nuns at st josephs but a minor nightmare to me.

well sr. teresa or a teresa like character approached me about working on visition for his chunky 10 year old boy. I agreeded, the next thing i knew after the visit, she casually said he was coming home with me. before i knew what was going on, i didnt disagree. I asked her HOW long it would be til his mom got him back and she said 6 months. Thinking a minute and in the dream, i thought about my lifestyle, I told her clearly and directly. I could not care for him for any time. The arrangement was for me to be involved in visitation and i never consented to caring for him.
there was a farm setting somewhere here also

i then i had to deal with the boy who seemed happy in his room and after i asked him what he liked to do, play video games, watch tv. i told him he could not stay and but in the dream, i thought maybe i could be his mentor, no i didnt want a weekly committment.

he started to cry hard, and i rubbed his back to help calm him down...
and the alarm clock rang