Tuesday, August 23, 2005

mi crzy vida

the extra strength tylenol are a temporary remedy to my lack of sleep. I am not really sleeping through the night and when i take 2 EST they make wake up groggy and shaky..last night i took ONE and it really didnt work. They do make me sleepy but they dont help me sleep through the night. i was up every two hours from 10-6. not sleeping all night sucks..
the EST just mixes up my dreams... they are clear when i am dreaming them and when i wake up i lose them

i know that my dreams have been a mixture of dar, work, hedwig ( i watched it saturday) all the strings of my life as well as anxiety dreams. the pressure of my recent work stress and the pending surgery have creeped into my dream...they all seem like a jumble now and may be ill recapture them..

the Tylenol resembles anestesia and maybe that is creeping into my dream. They are distorted and jumbled.

i didnt get enough sleep and need more and will take two tylenol tonight..