i dreamed i was in a camp setting. There was a gala being set up and i knew that Belinda was setting up the event .There were gift bags being made up and tables covered with tablecloths. It was makeshift but it was being set up as a fundraiser.
I was sent to make copies. I knew i didnt have the code, i was given the code Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I couldnt find the place to put that code on the machine. The papers had scraps or papercuttings and full pages. I felt that i was being judged on my ability to photocopy. If i asked for help, it would show i was not competent if i didnt it would be proved that i was capable. i was shown a place where the code could be placed and the started to make copies. The person who was judging me was a combination of Ronni Fuchs, Stacey Siff and Kathy Griffin. (there are similarities in all three)
i made the copies but not all the pages came out. i knew we had to hand feed the scraps of paper so copies can made.
the task became more complicated than it needed to be and could be. it had to be done in multiple steps and each one needed care and attention.
i knew what to do and was set to get it done.