Monday, January 10, 2005

ed sullivan theater- who is the letterman audience?

I was walking by the Ed Sullivan theater on saturday night and saw a
sign for free tickets, so i entered. Behind me entered a male and female 20
somethings who were from out of town. the young perky 20 something blonde
looked over my head and addressed these younger individual as they asked for
tickets for saturday night.
when she explained that there was no taping, they turned to leave.
She looked at me as i asked a question and remarked " are you still here?'
it was not her intension to be rude or offensive but she clearly had not
addressed me prior, though i was first in line.
This experience in front of the Ed Sullivan theater is not uncommon. The ticket
solicitors seems to have a "target" audience demographic and seem to solicit
tourist and "camera" friendly people. or that is the impression that is
I thought this woman was discrimatory and offensive and did not serve the
Ageism, i think so