Tuesday, March 14, 2006


i was very full of popcorn and forced myself to go to sleep at 10pm because i had been going to sleep at 2am each weekend night and wanting to be fresh for work, i forced myself to sleep....but not to dream

i woke up groggy after dreaming about a hospital ward. I saw the floor, the rooms and a person who was on life support. In the dream, i knew it was cheryl wheeler. as the dream progressed, she seemed to come back to life and be filled out and not the emaciated person who was in the former part of the dream
i saw nurses and the nurses station and was vaguely connected to the dream activities though i was there and observing the dream.

i awoke and wanted to get back to sleep to finish the dream. i dozed off and the dream was furthering but then had to wake myself because i had to get up