the sights of spring in new england is the return of the robins or the nesting of robins, snow melting and the smell of wet mud or dirt turned mud. The first day without winter coats is always a memorable one. I remember the feeling of Passover and Easter as spring. the melting snow and wet ground and Matzah...
but in NYC the first sights of spring are not tulips or daffodils or crocuses or robins but Mr Softee Trucks....pulled over to the curb with lines of kids to get their ice cream cones or treats
mr softee made his appearance today, it must be spring.
THank you mayor bloomberg for silencing MR SOFTEE.. no more annoying song or tune that sticks in your head, interrupts your meetings or dinner and over and over and over plays like a broken recording.... NO MR softee music...but like the birds fly north, mr softee returns to mark another spring