ActForChange and Working Assets are proud to bring you an urgent alert from NARAL Pro-Choice America, the leading national advocate for personal privacy and a woman’s right to choose. This urgent action calls on our nation’s biggest pharmacies to ensure that they fill women’s prescriptions for birth control, including the morning-after pill. It may seem like common sense to you and me, but in as many as 20 states, pharmacies can refuse to fill such prescriptions.
NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation is one of the 50 outstanding nonprofits being supported by Working Assets, ActForChange’s parent company, this year, and we're proud to all be working together in support of reproductive freedom.
I urge you to take action below in support of women’s reproductive rights. Together, we are making a difference.
Jennifer Willis
Dear ActForChange Member,
It usually happens like this: a woman goes to her doctor and receives her birth control prescription, and then gets it filled at the pharmacy. Right? Wrong. Welcome to the anti-choice movement’s latest — and most insidious — attack on a woman’s right to choose.
Here’s what’s happening: In as many as 20 states, pharmacies are able to refuse to fill women’s prescriptions for contraception — including the morning-after pill.
It’s truly outrageous. When a woman and her doctor decide that a prescription for contraception is in the woman’s best interest, a third party has no right to override that decision. Pharmacies must ensure that their customers get their doctor-prescribed medication without delay or inconvenience.
Click here to tell our nation’s biggest pharmacies — Wal-Mart, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens and Eckerd — not to stand between a woman and her physician.
We know that access to birth control prevents unintended pregnancies and reduces the need for abortion. So, it makes no sense that politicians and pharmacies are making it harder for women to get their pills instead of making them more accessible.
Get outraged at this intrusion into medical privacy, and join NARAL Pro-Choice America in ensuring that our pharmacies fill women’s birth control prescriptions.
Click here to learn more and sign the letter to pharmacies.
Nancy Keenan, President
NARAL Pro-Choice America
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