i had a crapper of a day... Monday was a great day... I went to work late but worked late but Tuesday I was tired and worn down. I went to a budget meeting and it became a fest where my boss was out of line. He was rude and short and "punched" me around... his words... he has been using that word a lot.... I ended up in tears and walked while steaming
it reminded me of those days at st josephs only without the fear and anxiety... I dont like to be treated that way or spoken to in that manner.. he is generally purposeful and i am not suppose to ask questions that would results in a look into questions about how my program is budgeted.. I have never slinked off or backed off from this type or event or fight and i said my piece...
i have to learn how to take care of myself in these emotionally draining situations...and care for me...
it was just stressful.... i recovered on wednesday and have had full days... and nights and cant wait til saturday... i am off to PA tomorrow to howl at the moon for a dar show