yesterday, i drove from Queens to Sellersville Pa to see Dar. Dar is a treat always. She previewed a new song called Beautiful Enemy. its a great song. I told Dar about the Epstein Barr or rather i blurted it out when she asked how i was...She calmed turned to me and said...Sharon you are one of busiest people i know, always showing us up so what now you can only do 5 things not your usual 6. Dar was right. She also knew the cycle of rest and how the energy and disease can come in waves. we talked about the treatment and how i have started to learn to manage the disease.
She was cool and on hte money. She recognized that i am taking care of my self and doing what i need to maintain my health..
I told her that driving home late meant i would not be in pittsfield. I could never do it. I am making wise choices... except that i drove home after 11pm last night. It was friday night and i was tired to begin with .... I ended up being very tired and was happy to get home at 130am. i went to bed at 3am and got up at 6 (thanks to ms whoopi) and then went back to bed til 9pm
i am tired from the driving and its worn on me most of the day
i used my saturday to relax. I walked in the 50 degree spring weather to do my errands. I took advantage of the weather and that i had to be around because my accountant was coming to do my taxes. About 4pm, i got very tired and took myself home only to go to the grocery store. while walking, i was thinking that i am gonna enjoy talking care of myself, and pacing myself.
the continuum is that i took care of a lot of people and slowly, i started taking better and better care of me. I am focussing on my needs and meeting those needs first. to recognized what i need and meet those is hte best thing i can do for myself. To take the time to give myself what i need is a gift and i am going to take advantage of that for myself. I really dont have much of choice or I will be flat out on back...