Monday, April 24, 2006


i dreamed that i asked my ex-executive director for change and he gave me 70 dollars too much money. I contemplated keeping the extra money but i approached him and informed him that he gave me too much money and i asked him to make change. he couldnt see where he gave me too much and then when i addressed it again, he tried to "pay" me in goods (stuffed animals) i tried to explain to him that i was doing the "right" thing and ethically was trying to give him back what he gave me as an overage and he tried to repay in something that was worth less. I couldnt not use the stuffed animals nor did i want them, i wanted him to exchange the overage in cash not in goods and services
in the next scene of the dream, there were easter eggs, those plastic eggs that were available for everyone i worked with. They were being disseminated from a shoot, that looked like a mousehole. It seems taht all the sets that they put together were running out so they had to make more UP. Someone asked me if i got mine and i said i had not, so they handed me one. it contained small little toys that looked like little small pillows or spongebob pillows. there was nothing in there that i wanted. I didnt want the pillows or the jelly beans.
i then saw a separate area for the orthodox jewish kids who didnt celebrate easter, there was a dark door and they were waiting for something for them to exit out the door.

i woke up. My cat has figured out how to get me up my finding a space where she can sleep near my head and subsequently, start batting my head to get me up. even when i tried to go back to sleep, she kept battering at my head so i got up