well, i have had a lot of thoughts and ideas
1. i want to go to museums and lectures and book readings that are free and i dont usually get to go to. Free nights at the museums are generally on thursday and friday. so it means i cant go while i am in school-til late may
2. i am thinking about a parenting skills book with practical advise
3. i could become a life coach to earn extra money
4. i could organize or load someone's IPOD for $$$( believe it or not people pay for this stuff in NYC)
5. i could become a life coach on parenting skills.
6. i could keep looking for training job....
7. i will take advantage of computer training programs or any other skill development programs that i can take advantage of, not so much for employment but to keep busy and self development
8. i will walk the botanical gardens and go in before noon for on free mornings.
9. i will go to free saturday at the brooklyn museum
10. i will try to volunteer some time after FUV and the TRibeca film fest is over